What do you bring to an engagment party?.... and finding your way through the other types of parties this wedding season August 04 2015 3 Comments

We live in a new generation, people are living together before they're married. They start homes together, they buy electronics together, they even buy houses together AND they get fur babies, dogs, cats, hamsters, together! Weddings are expensive, it takes years to have the financial backing to have a wedding especially if you're paying for it yourself, which most couples do these days! I think it's time we redefine the "rules" for this new generation. Here begins the journey as my brother and soon to be sister in law tie the knot! Next time we'll talk about where tie the knot saying came from??? I call this series.... 


What started me thinking about all of the rules, and etiquette for our generation was my brother got engaged in June!  I also work in the wedding industry so it's a constant on my mind! My older brother who also is my birthday twin, december 23rd, my curly haired fro twin, and my hangry, real angry/grumpy when we're hungry, twin. He's getting married next May! 

We're all at that age where most of have multiple weddings, showers, engagement parties, bachelorettes and other to do's to go to for the future Mr. and Mrs.! It can get a little confusing, even for those of us in the wedding industry. Over the next 10 months as my brother embarks on this journey I thought I would start a new blog series on what I think the do's and don'ts are as you swim, laugh, struggle or run through each of the different parties and events this wedding season.  



My soon to be sister in law and big bro's fiance, Katherine and I 3 years ago at Caledonstock

This is my families first wedding on my mom's side. It's the first cousin to get married. It's my grandmothers first grandchild to get married, naturally there's been a lot of questions and some people have been asking me 'protocol' since I've worked in the wedding industry for a few years.


My brother is having his engagement party in a couple of weeks and my family members have been coming to me for lots of advice on what they should bring? This is my opinion, although I would LOVE to hear other people's opinions on the topics in the comments! I think an engagement party is for close family and friends, don't invite the WHOLE world, otherwise you might as well call it a wedding! Am I right??? It's a time to celebrate. Two people found each other in this crazy big 6 billion people world and they want to spend their ENTIRE lives together, their entire forever and ever always lives together! 

My brother and his gal pal, fiancee! 

They want to wake up every single day next to each other. They want to roll over, smile and say I love you, thanks for choosing me. They found someone to love forever and share their life with and even start a family and maybe even create another human being. Or two or three or four! An engagement party celebrates all of the above. It's to celebrate all of these things. There is really no need to bring gifts to this type of party. This type of party is a Party. With a capital P! A good time, and a great celebration! The couple honestly at the end of the day is just so excited you came to celebrate with them. They will love that you brought your smiles and your laughter and maybe even your dancing shoes. They're in love! They want to shout it from the roof tops! or the dock at the cottage in my brothers case!  If you want to show the couple how excited you are that they are tying the knot, below are some uber cute things, most under $20, you can purchase on etsy, or grab at chapters, or the wine store or even make them something yourself! No need to break the bank for this type of party.


1. http://etsy.me/1KCv823 - monogramed underwear
2.http://etsy.me/1KDIgBc - put a ring on it cup
3. http://etsy.me/1SPRqwl - tote 


You can even make something for them like this for the happy couple! Use your imagination! They'll love the thought behind it.  

 http://etsy.me/1SPRGvm - chalkboard sign

A bottle of wine, champagne or their favourite beer with a nice card goes a long way too! 



 Hope you found this first article on WEDDINGS; THE NEXT GENERATION helpful!