a man in a bow tie always makes me weak at the knees... January 18 2013
Doesn't Tristan look dashing? I love a man in a a bow tie. I convinced him to be in a couple of the photos since he looked so smart! Here are a few shots of me and my manfriend trying to create a non christmas banner for my website. Do you like it? The banner is the last photo above. We lucked out and got 10 degree weather. It's now back to -10. BRRR. The final banner is up on my online shop and facebook page.
I can't believe the London Bridal Show is tomorrow! I'm so excited to help brides design and customize their dream jewellery for gifts for their bridesmaids. Custom jewellery is one of my favourite things to do. I love working with the dresses, necklines and colours and seeing what works best with the Bride's taste. If you're in London, Ontario come check out my Hattitude exhibit booth at the London Convention Centre!
Have a wonderful weekend! Are you doing anything special?
Hattitude Jewellery Facebook Page