how to wear pants December 04 2012

What I wore:
Sweater: F21 
Hair scarf: thrifted
Vest: Vintage
Pants: F21

I am in love with these pants. It feels very strange wearing pants. I normally tend to stick to skirts and dresses...but these pants were too perfect to pass up. I love them. The floral pattern is right up my alley, and they're stretchy! (so I can wear long underwear underneath them) I think it's important if you're going to wear pants to either have them a. high waisted, or b. with a little bit of pattern on them or c. wear them with a vest. 
How do you wear your pants? 

I've been busy getting ready for my jewellery show this Sunday December 9th from 2-5pm. 
Check out some of the pieces online and drop by Sunday for some gift wrapped presents that are one of a kind.

Follow me on Facebook as I update my shop, and post tidbits about life. 
How have your lives been? I promise in the new year when Hattitude settles back down, I'll catch up on the blogosphere. 

Do you guys have any plans for Christmas? I really wish I was scooting down to Barbados. Tell me your plans!