lavender and yellow November 14 2012

What I wore: 
Hair Bow: Weezi Creations (designer in London, ONT)
Pants: Urban Outfitters
Sweater: Vintage
Lace top: vintage
Necklace: Hattitude jewellery

Ah it feels good to be back blogging. Christmas season has hit in the Hattitude studio. I'm busy busy busy! If you've been following me on Twitter or instagram you've seen updates of my studio and me frantically trying to take photos in between the grey and rainy days of all the new jewellery. If you have not browsed my shop lately (the last three days) I strongly recommend you do, as there are some beauts just posted in the shop

Now is the time to start ordering some custom work for Christmas. If you have an old charm you want turned in to a bracelet or necklace for your girlfriend let me know. Do you have your grandmothers old brooch and want to give it to your mom in an updated style necklace for christmas. I'm your gal. Let me   help you create a truly unique gift to give this year. 

I hope your week is going lovely. Here's 3 things to catch you up on my life since I took a hiatus from blogging 
1. I've been doing yoga down the street 3 times a week. Lunch time yoga really breaks up my work day. Namaste.

2. I am headed to Chicago over Christmas! Any thoughts or ideas on 'MUST dos' please post. 

3. Twilight comes out on Friday (insert girlish scream). Yes. you read right, I bought our tickets today. I'm still a fan. What is it about Bella and Edward? Swoon. 
Happy Half Week kidiliwinks! 
Hattitude Jewellery Facebook Page