nala...nolan? kitten world August 07 2012

shirt: clothing swap
belt: mothers
skirt: chez thrift, altered
necklace: available in my shop here

Blogging hiatus. I'm sorry. Alas the challenges of the great outdoors and summer time living, versus making jewellery and participating in the blogosphere, although I did miss you all dearly. 
Thanks for all the kind comments! They are too nice! 

I'm almost finished Shadow of the Wind. Could hardly put it down. All weekend at the cottage I had my nose in a book. The perks of being a wallflower the movie is coming out in August, so I would like to get that book read before I see the movie. Has anyone seen the movie? or Read the book?

In animal news...the stray kittens are back playing around our home. We thought they had disappeared but turns out they had just scrambled over to the neighbours farm. We found out she, Nala is not a Nala after all...but he is a Nolan. ha

Hope your long weekends were wonderful, for all you Canadians, for everyone else, Happy august!
p.s. how's the new blog design? The lovely Nicole from Living with Fletch was kind enough to design it for me! She's wonderful. We did everything via email. I had a million requests on things and she was able to do all of them! All star! What do you think of the new design?