New summer studio shop hours June 19 2012

Shorts: My mom's
Shoes: Vintage
Shirt: Chez Thrift
Necklace: Hattitude jewellery
Belt: My mom's
This outfit was taken a week ago. I was out painting yesterday afternoon. My mom found an old stand up silverware drawer, for $5 at a garage sale this summer, that resembles a stand up jewellery box. It's about 4 feet high and has 4 drawers and a lift up lid to keep all your jewellery in a stand. Perfect for when I move to London and want to keep the dust off of my jewels.
I was painting it a cream colour, and painting is not my forte...I had it all over me by the end of the day. I wouldn't want to bore you with a shot of my painting attire, no matter how cool it was (tie dye shirt and all).
For the summer, I've started introducing New studio shop hours. The first Tuesday and Wednesday of every month from 4-8pm you'll be able to come and view the Hattitude collection in person and see where I work. Entry is by the Hattitude mailbox studio door.
Feel free to bring over that new summer dress you want a piece of jewellery to go with.
If you have a wedding coming up, my studio is a great place to bring the dress you're wearing to the wedding and get some matching accessories!
It's suppose to be 38 degrees today with the humidity! I've allowed myself two days off of Hattitude since my show(finally got my taxes done!).. so I'll probably find a pool to frolick in today, and get back to work tomorrow...or maybe Thursday :)