how do you organize your closet? May 01 2012

Here are some snaps of my latest thrift store hunting. 
My mom picked out a good number of these articles of clothing. It's nice to be back in Ontario and have such an avid thrifter by my side!

Below them are some shots of my wardrobe area. The before and after shots of revamping my closet. 
some new digs I got at the local thrift store
how beautiful is this skirt! 
love the baby pattern on this dress
now all I need is a boat...
lovin' my patterned flowy skirts
sun dress it up all day
are those little knobs hanging down not so rad!
before I got my screwdriver out and went to Canadian tire to revamp my closet
after...the first 'closet'
after the second 'closet'

My dream one day is to have a full walk in functioning closet. It would almost have to be a whole other room with the way my shopping habits are headed.

As a clothes horse, a shopaholic  and a thrift store frequenter...I need organization and a way to see all my clothes easier. I find that it's best if I organize my clothes by colour. I find it easier to pick out an outfit, when I have my shirts, vests, and skirts all hanging beside one another that are in the same colour realm. Some people like to organize, by skirts, dresses, shirts, sweaters, etc, it's what works best for you. I like going quickly and pairing up a pink skirt with a blue shirt since all the blues are hanging in one place.

How do you organize your closet? Send me a photo! I want to see it!

Tips for closet organizing: 
1. get a scarf organizer (life saver)
2. get tie racks that screw in to the wall for jewellery hangers
3. get a shoe organizer (also can stuff clutches etc inside them)
4. flip your hangers the wrong way on the bar, when you wear that article of clothing, flip the hanger back to normal. At the end of the year which ever hangers are not flipped back to their original spot, give that article of clothing to the goodwill store. It's take up valuable space in your closet, and you didn't wear it for a full year!
5. Organize by colour. Easy outfit picking in the morning.