a museum hunting we shall go April 18 2012
Spent yesterday inside at the anthropology museum. The first nations exhibits were amazing. Well worth the trip to see the original carvings and totem poles of the northern and southern indigenous people. We hopped on a tour and spent the afternoon wandering around the museum.
The last few days have been rainy, sorry for the no outfit posts.
Of course the day after I give my parents all my winter gear to pack and take back to Ontario, I need gloves today, as it is freezing!
We head home on Friday and I think it's suppose to keep raining until then. Hope Ontario is nice and sunny! We seem to be such the weather chasers these days.
Of course the day after I give my parents all my winter gear to pack and take back to Ontario, I need gloves today, as it is freezing!
We head home on Friday and I think it's suppose to keep raining until then. Hope Ontario is nice and sunny! We seem to be such the weather chasers these days.