a bow for you, a bow for me, a bow for everyone March 28 2012


Sweater: Boot legger
Skirt: Thrifted, Bolton, Chez Thrift
Belt: H&M
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Hattitude Jewellery

How this outfit came to be Hattified: I started with the blue skirt, paired with the blue top was boring all as one matchy poo outfit. I threw on the skinny mustard belt, because a skirt without a belt is no outfit t'all. The sweater happened to match perfectly to the belt. Thus you have two matchy poo outfits blue and mustards becoming one Hattified outfit. The necklace just tied the whole outfit together and is the beginning of my new summer line :) 
What do you think of my new line of jewellery? 

Why this outfit works: I think blue and mustard goes famously together. The skinny belt is not over powering and ties in the sweater. The white bows make this outfit springy. 

Another version: Wear a plain white t-shirt and a navy braid belt. Don't forget your Hattitude necklace. 

It was a warm breeze in Vancouver today. I bought the book Half Blood Blues for book club next month. Has anyone read the book? It's set in the 1940's about a black, german, jazz, musician from Paris. 
We seem to be having a theme at book club lately, of Paris during the war years. Last month it was The Paris Wife. Did anyone read that? It was a little slow in the middle, but the beginning and ending were quite good. 

Have you entered my Giveaway. I'm announcing the winner Friday! Win the necklace below! Click here
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