Guest Post Blogger: Ana March 21 2012

Hello Hattitude readers! My name is Ana from the lovely little blog AnaCloud! I am so thrilled to be writing a guest post for Hattie.  I hope you all enjoy.

Where should I even start? There seems to be so much to write but it is hard to get it all out! I guess I shall tell you where I am from.  I am a girl living under the sunny blue skies in the suburbs just North of Los Angeles in Southern California.  I have been a California girl my whole life and I don't know if I could ever leave! Living on the West Coast has made me lucky enough to have fashion in my life for a long time.  It is one of my greatest joys in life; waking up and deciding what in the world am I going to adorn myself in! And that is why I have created my blog AnaCloud.  It is a lovely way for me to share with you all of the ideas I come up with from my closet.

Here is a little bit more fun stuff about me.  I can't start the day without my coffee fix; sometimes I'm afraid I'm killing myself with the amount of coffee I drink! I have two adorable puppies (well they are about 2 years old, that's still puppy age right? ;) ) that we adopted.  
I love art history and just art in general. I sometimes fantasize about living in museums. I'm also very thankful that I live so close to LA and so many extraordinary museums!  
I also do a lot of my own artwork.  It is hard right now though, because I am so busy with school and blogging! But you can visit my Etsy to order your own personal piece that I will create for you!  
I also love thrifting and finding diamonds in the ruff! It is so thrilling to find a piece with so much history and to be able to revive the piece! That is why I have started my own little online vintage shop called AnaCloud Vintage! I'm sure you'll find something you like! You can actually buy this fantastic little black dress that I'm wearing at my shop! 
Well I guess this is goodbye.. for now! Don't be afraid to come on over to my blog and say hello! I absolutely love hearing from my readers! Hope you had as much fun reading this post as I did writing it!

Love, Ana

Dress: Vintage, buy at AnaCloud Vintage
Blouse: Thrifted
Belt: Vintage Brighton
Flower Pin: c/o Young Alumni
Shoes: Deena & Ozzy from Urban Outfitters

Thanks so much Ana for writing a guest post for me. I'm currently up in Whistler, getting my skiing, boarding, walking, hiking, snow tubing, zip lining and winter on. 

Thanks Ana girl! See you all back here on friday when I'm back down from the mountain :) 

Don't forget about my giveaway free one of a kind necklace on my blog, winner announced next Friday.
 Click here to see it