kamikaze March 07 2012
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Sweater Vest: Thrifted, Vancouver, Hanging Rose
Shoes: Granville, Shoe store
Pants: American Apparel
Scarf: Thrifted, Toronto, CTS
Belt: Thrifted, Guelph
Necklace: You've Got Hattitude Jewellery
How this outfit came to be Hattified:
I wanted to wear my trouser high wasited pants, since it was only 6 degrees out, to keep my core organs all nice and toasty warm. My striped 3/4 length cropped shirt looked good with the outfit, I could have stopped at just that, but the outfit was not yet Hattified. I added the cable knit vest on top...almost was enough, but to quirk it up some more I put the lace up boots with the trousers. It's different and gives it that edge and flair that I like to have. I had bed hair, so I grabbed a scarf and put it on. Voila, that's JUST enough. Outfit has now been Hattified.
Why this Outfit Works: The rule of three is adhered for this outfit. The rule of three to me lately has been three patterns that work together or three differnet layers. The vest adds that extra layer and is in the same colour scheme as the striped shirt. I love the rule of three's and pattern on pattern lately. I think the striped 3/4 shirt, the cable knit sweater and the hair scarf make up the rule of three.
A different version: For a more subdued look. Take off the cable knit sweater vest and just wear the cropped shirt either tucked in or out. I wouldn't suggest ditching the belt, I think a belt finishes off any trouser pant and outfit. You don't have to Hattify your outfit and put an edge with the hiking lace up boots. You can simply wear some black ankle booties, tuck your trousers in to your booties and voila you have yourself a more subdued version of my outfit. Don't forget your Hattitude necklace!
I was given a little history lesson today on the Kamikaze (meaning Divine wind). The Samurai warriors of Japan (10,000 of them) versus the Mongols (150,000 of them) who came to invade Japan, watched from the beach as the Mongols ship sank to the bottom of the ocean. A high wind came with a massive typhoon and destroyed the ship (hence divine wind), saving them all and the Japan monarchy.
I thought the word, Kamikaze was really neat, so there's your little history lesson for today.