rest your weary head March 05 2012

Sweater: Thrifted, Orangeville, How we Grow
Blouse: Joe Fresh
Skirt: Altered Thrift, Bolton, Chez Thrift
Head scarf: Vintage
Necklace: Hattitude Jewellery similiar one here
Boots: Gift

How this outfit came to be Hattified: 
Skirt. Polka dots. Nuff said. I threw on this skirt, knew it needed a blouse. I thought I could have stopped at just the feminine blouse and had a very pretty delicate outfit. But I needed to Hattify it, so I threw on a cropped sweater (now I have that great layered look. The big gap between sweater and blouse works because the cropped sweater and blouse are the same colour just different materials), a hattitude necklace...and thought...still not enough, still not Hattified. It needs another pattern. I put on the headscarf and tied it in a bow.

Why this Outfit Works:
This outfit can get away with the three layers, the rubber boots, the pattern head scarf bow because it's soft and delicate, the pink sweater and blouse. Now the outfit has been Hattified.

Another Version:
For a less Hattified look, put on a pretty blouse with an above thigh length, skirt (or dress), don't tuck the blouse in, wear some black ankle booties. Voila. A simple, less Hattified version of this outfit.

Dont' forget to wear your Hattitude Jewellery ;) Check it out here. 

How was everyone's weekend? We have been buying up Groupons like crazy so most of our friday nights are spent using some sort of coupon at a restaurant. Friday night was spent in Yaletown. Neat idea, gutting the old factories and turning them in to lofts, restaurants and stores. This weekend I found out the ultimate test to a relationship. The ultimate test of a relationship is having to share a phone with your significant other. If you can last 48 know you found a keeper. I'm going on 72 hours of sharing a phone with my other half. Here's the kicker...I have to go another 72 hours. My phone's LCD screen was smashed to smithereens when I dropped it (lightly) on the ground taking the sea bus to go up grouse mountain. Oy.