a spot of tea November 18 2011

Dress: Thrifted from guelph
Sweater: Winners
Belt: Chez Thrift
Bracelets: Hattitude Jewllery
Boots: Shoeppers
Bag: vintage from Meow
scarf: anthropolgie 
jacket: winners
Necklace: Hattitude Jewels
get a similar one by checking out my pop up jewellery show November 26th and 27th. Click here to view an invite 

I had a lovely little tea party with two of my good friends. Nothing says winter after a light snow dusting then a spot of tea. Has anyone ever been to high tea? It's one of my favourite things to do around Christmas! I love dressing up in the vintage hats and totes, dresses and fur coats. Plus what's better then crumpets and tea? 

I also just got the news one of my best friends is staying in nepal where she is working for the umbrella organization! She volunteers at an all girls home, helping out children and young teens. The stories she writes to us are astounding, including killing a goat for dinner! She has just had a whirlwind experience and got offered a paid position over there. She has found her niche. I will admit I did have a little tear in my eye when I read that she is staying over there for another year! But I'm really happy that she has found something she is so passionate about. 

Cheers Niamh. I love you wild child! So happy you found something you love doing and are so enamoured with and passionate about!