Winning feels good. So when I won tickets to a fashion show in Toronto during fashion week. It felt good. Going to a fashion show and eating like crazy afterwards so I don't look like the models up on the runway because they look like little twigs with pointy knobs (bones) sticking out in weird positions all over, that if I blew on them, they would crumble in to dust....does not feel good.
The Fashion show was weird. I had no idea models were THAT skinny. It did not make me want to buy those clothes....because I do NOT want to look like those models. I like my bones under my skin where no one can see popping out at weird angles because I have zero fat to cover anything up. I thought we got out of the age where models had to be super thin? Maybe it was just the show I was at?
13 awesome killer ladies and me are planning our 2nd annual Fashion Show fundraising event. Our show was out of this world last year (we raised over $40,000)...and this year stands to be even better.
We were hoping to catch some inspiration from the fashion show ...maybe there was another venue, but I found the whole experience rather odd. The models were extremely thin, the atmosphere cavernous and echoy, and the seats uncomfortable on my boney butt. ha