Harvest Festival March 21 2011
Today I wore one of the most fabulous finds in my wardrobe. I wore it downtown, back to the city to a clinic appointment.
Here is a most flirtatious, wonderful vintage dress from a store in Guelph which the name has decided to allude me for the moment.....ah just remembered.... Wild Rose. Suits the dress lovely because it's is wild. Wild Child.
I'm pretty sure this dress was hand made by someone as it has no tag on the inside and the sizing is a it off, as well as no lining and if you look carefully you can see some of her mistakes she made while sewing it. Even the belt is handmade with fabric fastened over another belt it seems.
This is one of the more expensive vintage pieces I own in my wardrobe. Only because instead of a thrift store find where I usually spend my days swooning over the racks, this is from an actual real vintage store...they knew what they were talking about.
I wanted the collar to pop and stand up a little...can you tell I used some tape to stick it down, so it was open in a v shape to show off my cowboy hattitude necklace ha!
This dress is very light, nice Spring time feel to it, despite it looking like a Harvest festival attacked the print of it.
Dress & Belt: Matching set from Wild Rose Vintage Store in Guelph
Cardigan: Hannah's closet in Erin
Bracelets: Thrifted and gift
Ring: Thrift store
Ring: Thrift store
Boots: second hand from Meow vintage store in Guelph
Necklace: A tiny little cowboy hat sits perched on this one of a kind necklace of mine. Try to find a similar one on my website with my hand designed jewellery collection, You've Got Hattitude. Click Here