What's a bohemian, river filled maternity photo shoot look like? September 16 2015 1 Comment

My friends Izabela and Sara Monika, Photographer got together to make a little magic happen for Izabela's maternity shoot. Her little baby girl is due any day now and we all can't wait to meet her. In the mean time here's some beautiful bohemian, indie photos filled with magical headpieces and dream catchers.  

We created, designed and handcrafted all the headpieces worn in this photo shoot. They were so perfect for the aesthetic of this photo shoot and we are so thrilled with out Izabela rocked them, especially while floating in a river! If you want to see more of our bohemian indie inspired headpieces handmade in Toronto, Canada check our collection out here ---> http://www.hattitudejewels.com/collections/headpieces 

To view more of our unique handcrafted jewellery handmade in Toronto canada by Hattie Dunstan click here. http://www.hattitudejewels.com/collections/all